Inclusion Moves speakers network

This is Inclusion Moves latest foray into promoting inclusion and diversity is our new speakers network. We are looking for Inclusion Seekers. All too often when things go wrong in our space we hear 'oh we didn't know there was people out there that did that kind of work'. Well this is our way of connecting companies that want to work with inclusion advocates and those who are experts in their field. 

Whether you work in the LGBITQ space, the indigenous space, on women's equality or disability we want to hear about the good work you are doing and connect you with those who want to learn from your experience. 

There won't be any flashy launch of this new service. It will happen organically like all good community movements. For the moment we want to start building that network. From there we will work on adding profiles of our Inclusion Seekers to the website so they can be browsed by prospective companies. So please fill out the form below we would love to hear of the good work you are doing. 

If you are a company wanting to find expertise in this field. Please browse our profiles and email us at so we can get to work connecting you with good quality lived experience.          
